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Description: Craving related materials are frequently used in addiction research, but no existing standardized picture database is dedicated to the study of addiction-related stimuli inducing craving. The present work develops and validate this type of database a Pictures Library of Smoking Cravings (PLSC). In Study 1, 366 Smoking-relevant and 406 neutral photos were filmed. And we selected 109 cigarette related photos and 115 neutral photos, ratings the craving, familiarity, value, and arousal by groups of participants; non-smoker(N=211), light-smoker (N = 504), Heavy smoker (N = 101). The results showed that, the cigarette-relevant photos were rated as being more craving and led to greater passion and arousal than neutral photos in smokers. And the more cigarette-relevant photos evoked craving is positive with the FTND score. Overall, the present findings provide evidence for the high validity of the PLSC and confirm that the set may be successfully used in addiction research.


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