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Description: Video gaming has been rising rapidly to become one of the primary entertainment media, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Playing video games has been reported to associate with many psychological and behavioral traits. However, little is known about the connections between game players' behaviors in the virtual environment and environmental perceptions. Thus, the current data set offers valuable resources regarding environmental worldviews and behaviors in the virtual world of 640 Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) game players from 29 countries around the globe. The data set consists of six major categories: 1) socio-demographic profile, 2) COVID-19 concern, 3) environmental perception, 4) game-playing habit, 5) in-game behavior, and 6) game-playing feeling. By making this data set open, we aim to provide policymakers, game producers, and researchers with valuable resources for understanding the interactions between behaviors in the virtual world and environmental perceptions, which could help produce video games in compliance with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. See more: Other repository: Quan-Hoang Vuong; Manh-Toan Ho; Viet-Phuong La; Tam-Tri Le; Thanh Huyen T. Nguyen; Minh-Hoang Nguyen. A multinational dataset of game players’ behaviors in a virtual world and environmental perceptions(V1). 2021. Science Data Bank. 2021-10-09. cstr:31253.11.sciencedb.j00104.00098;

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

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