Here you can find files used for the current version of Native American IAT on the PI demo site.
Starting in 2022, the task included the following stimuli:
- Present stimuli: 'Alive', 'Current', 'Living', 'Present', 'Now', 'New', 'Modern', 'Contemporary',
- Past Stimuli: 'Deceased', 'Vanished', 'Dead', 'Extinct', 'Ancient', 'Historic', 'Past', 'Old',
- White last names (selects a random eight): 'Adams', 'Allen', 'Baker', 'Clark', 'Hall', 'Nelson', 'Scott', 'Wright', 'Anderson', 'Thompson', 'Campbell', 'Bennett', 'Mitchell'
- Native last names (selects a random eight): 'Awiakta', 'Wahchumwah', 'Chippewa', 'Suwake', 'Tsosie', 'Akiwenzie', 'Ojibway', 'Pewaush', 'Apache', 'Chosa', 'Kiatta', 'Homma', 'Pappan'
For 2004-2021, the task included the following stimuli:
- American images are: "us1.jpg", "us2.jpg", "us3.jpg", "us4.jpg", "us5.jpg".
- American words are: "Miami", "Missouri", "Ohio", "Seattle", "Utah";
- Foreign images are: "world2.jpg", "world3.jpg", "world5.jpg", "world6.jpg", "world7.jpg".
- Foreign words are: "France", "Italy", "Moscow", "Oslo", "Warsaw";
- Native American images are: "native1.jpg", "native2.jpg", "native3.jpg", "native4.jpg", "native5.jpg", "native6.jpg", "native7.jpg", "native8.jpg";
- European American images are: "euro1.jpg", "euro2.jpg", "euro3.jpg", "euro4.jpg", "euro5.jpg", "euro6.jpg", "euro7.jpg", "euro8.jpg".
The experiment procedure has been change over years. You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.