The Science [Research Mentoring Program (SRMP)][1] at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) provides an opportunity for high-school juniors and seniors to work on a year-long independent research project in astrophysics under the guidance of a CfA astrophysicist. Students learn what it is actually like to conduct real, cutting-edge research and work closely with living scientists from diverse backgrounds.
Outline of the program
- Do real science with a Harvard astrophysicist.
- Ten students, paired up with five mentors.
- Program runs throughout the school year: September - end of May.
- Two meetings a week, 2 hours each time.
- Monthly advisory meetings with the director and all students.
- Students meet with their mentors at the CfA.
- At the end of the year, students will present their research in talks and posters as part of a symposium at Harvard.
- Laptops provided.
- Stipends provided by the City of Cambridge.
- Free.
SRMP has been featured in the Harvard Gazette: [Space to learn \ Nina Livingstone][2]
Interested in setting up your own SRMP? Check out [Graur (2018)][3].