The findings of this study are published in: Purić, D., Petrović, M. B., Živanović, M., Lukić, P., Zupan, Z., Branković, M., Ninković, M., Lazarević, L. B., Stanković, S., & Žeželj, I. (2023). Development of a novel instrument for assessing intentional non-adherence to official medical recommendations (iNAR-12): A sequential mixed-methods study in Serbia. *BMJ Open, 13*(6), e069978. Please cite accordingly.
Based on the input from focus groups, literature search and content analysis (WP1), we created two preliminary instruments - NAR and TCAM.
The instrument assessing the frequency of non-adherence to official medical recommendations (NAR) including all identified NAR practices, response options and instructions for participants is provided in both Serbian `NAR practices - initial list (Serbian).pdf` and English `NAR practices - initial list (English).pdf`.
The instrument assessing the familiarity and frequency of use of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM) including all identified TCAM practices, response options and instructions for participants is also provided in both Serbian `TCAM practices - initial list (Serbian).pdf` and English `TCAM practices - initial list (English).pdf`.