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Research data set of 132 bepress [Digital Commons][1] sites that are listed by bepress as "research universities". Repository size, download activity, and thesis and dissertation data collected from public readership maps on each repository site on 11/27/2019. Data set is supplemented with notations for Carnegie Classification, journal publishing, thesis/dissertation information, and comparison to 2017 data (DOI [10.17605/OSF.IO/2KPG6][2]). Carnegie classification data based on [Carnegie public data set][3]. Dataset is presented in MS Excel 2013 (bepress132.xlxs) and tab-delimitted text (bepress132.txt). Also included list of all bepress institutions as listed on digital commons website (2019_bepress_all.xlxs and 2019_bepress_all.txt). For rough comparisons size and use data is presented for other repositories and publishers in MS Excel (other_repositories_2019.xslx) and tab-delimitted text (other_repositories_2019.txt). Presentation for the CNI Fall 2019 Membership Meeting based on this data is also included. [1]: [2]: [3]:
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