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## About This repository contains supporting code and data for the paper entitled "Realization of Higher-Order Topological Lattices on a Quantum Computer" by Jin Ming Koh, Tommy Tai, Ching Hua Lee. Link to paper: ## Contents The structure of this repository is summarized below. - `/code` — contains Python source code files. - `` — interfaces with IBM Q account provider. - `` — interfaces with hardware devices and simulators with and without noise models. - `` — code for circuit components. - `` — definitions of the lattice Hamiltonians examined and backbone code supporting Hamiltonian matrix and wavefunction calculations. - `` — backbone code for error mitigation. - `` — general utility functions. - `/data` — contains hardware experiment datasets. - `square`, `cubic` and `tesseract` directories contain data for the 2D square, 3D cubic and 4D tesseract experiments respectively. - Subdirectories divide the data for different lattice configurations. The `-C<X>` name suffix denotes the configuration. - Data within each subdirectory is provided as CSV files. The `occmats`, `occfidel` and `ts` files contain occupancy matrices, occupancy fidelity, and time data respectively. The `exact` suffix denote exact diagonalization data; `ps` and `rops` suffixes denote hardware data with post-selection, and readout error mitigation and post-selection, applied respectively. - `/figures` — contains code and notebooks for plotting figures and other diagrams. Requires `/data` for input. See individual files and comments therein for functionalities and usage. - `/notebooks` — contains code and notebooks for testing implementation and for running basic calculations, for example reference exact diagonalization. See individual files and comments therein for functionalities and usage. ## Requirements The code in this repository assumes the following dependency versions: - Python 3.10.8 - Qiskit 0.32.1 - Qiskit-Terra 0.18.3 - Qiskit-Aer 0.9.1 - Qiskit-Ignis 0.6.0 - Numpy 1.19.4 - Scipy 1.5.4
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