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Description: The objective of this project is to make data and code available from research involving propensity scores methods led by Dr. Walter Leite, his colleagues and students at the Research and Evaluation Methodology program at University of Florida. It includes updated code and data for the examples in the book "Practical Propensity Score Methods Using R" (by Walter Leite, published by Sage Publications in 2017). The resources in this project cover estimation of propensity scores, propensity score weighting, matching and stratification, propensity score methods for multiple treatments, continuous treatments, and propensity score methods for multilevel data and with structural equation modeling.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Estimation of propensity scores

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Propensity score weighting

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Propensity Score Stratification

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Propensity Score Matching

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Suplemental Materials for Unreliable Continuous Treatment Indicators in Propensity Score Analysis

Propensity score analyses (PSA) of continuous treatments often operationalize the treatment as a multi-indicator composite, and its composite reliabil...

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Resources for Propensity Score Analysis of Complex Survey Data with Structural Equation Modeling

This project provides code and data files associated with the paper: Leite, W. L., Stapleton, L. M., & Bettini, E. F. (2019). Propensity Score An...

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Resources for Propensity Score Matching with Cross-Classified Data Structures

We present propensity score (PS) matching methods for data with a cross-classified structure, where each individual is clustered within more than one ...

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