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To prepare raw data for analyses, first conduct a usability check, and then apply performance-based excluisons and format the data. **EXP0** Since this was an online study, and we could not control whether participants were paying attention or had their sound on during the task, we applied a set of usability checks to make sure participants' responses were plausibly genuine. These checks involved manually checking the dataset for the following: 1) at least one correct response to the programmed sound-checks 2) both Tasks were completed 3) responses (all of them) did not follow a systematic pattern (e.g., not that the same key was pressed on all of the trials, or that all of the trials were missed, or that all of the responses alternated between trials in a predictable manner such as ‘d’, ‘d’, ‘k’, ‘k’, ‘d’, ‘d’, ‘k’, ‘k’ throughout the experiment) To do the usability check on the raw data, download the data from the Raw folder, and do the following: 1) check that there is a value of 1 for at least one of the following variables: sound_check_resp.corr, sound_check_resp_2.corr, sound_check_resp_3.corr, sound_check_resp_4.corr, sound_check_resp_5.corr If there is not at least one value of 1, then the dataset does not pass. 2) check that the entire dataset is present (row 1 - 681). If there are fewer full rows than this, the dataset does not pass. 3) check the values for resp_exp1.keys and resp_exp2.keys. Responses could be 'k' or 'd'. Responses that do not pass are obviously non-random patterns across the entire collection of responses, e.g., all 'k', all missed trials, or all alternating between ‘d’ and 'k' (the entire resp_exp1.keys and/or resp_exp2.keys is ‘d’, ‘k’, ‘d’, ‘k’, ‘d’). The data that have passed these usability checks are in the Raw_afterUsabilityChecks folder. Now to apply performance-based exclusions and format the data. Datasets that do NOT pass the following criteria are excluded: 1) completing both tasks in the paradigm 2) having an overall accuracy across both tasks of greater than 50% 3) having more than 50% total accuracy in one of the tasks Go to the Analyses and Results component and refer to the HowToAnalyse_README.txt file to select the right R script for applying the exclusion criteria and formatting the data. Once you've downloaded and run the right scripts, the data will be ready for analyses. **EXP1 and EXP2** Since these were in-person experiments, we did not conduct usability checks. The application of exclusion criteria and formatting was the same as in Exp0. CAUTION: In Exp1, there was an error in the file, as the set sizes present in the files were 2 and 6, whereas participants actually saw 1 and 5, per the manuscript. This is also reflected in the analysis codes.
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