### Survival and cause-specific mortality of harvested willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) in central Norway: Data and analysis code
In this registration, you will find data analysis scripts (for R) and data used for the analysis and results presented in
*Israelsen, M.F., Eriksen, L.F., Moa, P.F., Hagen, B.R. & Nilsen, E.B. 2020. Survival and cause-specific mortality of harvested willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) in central Norway. Ecology & Evolution.* For furhter information about the data collection process and analytical approach, we refer to the published paper.
The data included here is part of an ongoing field study, and only data 2015-2019 is included in this publication. In a later iteration, the combined data from the ongoing radiotelemetry study and associated data sets (data on reproductive success for the marked individuals, gene sequence data, etc) will be published and reigstered with the Global Biodiversity Informatics Facility (GBIF). The data archived here document the analysis and results presented in the paper cited above, and is open and can be used for any purpose as long as they are cited (ie. - as required by the CC-BY licence).