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Affiliated institutions: Center For Open Science

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Category: Project

Description: The OSS is a standard, modular survey to assess open scholarship attitudes, perceptions, and behavior of researchers

License: CC0 1.0 Universal

The Open Scholarship Survey (OSS) | Discussion
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Type: Research
Status: Active


The Open Scholarship Survey

Content of the survey is in this Google Doc:

Other surveys conducted by COS

Metascience attendees:

HHMI open access and open science:…


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OSS Surveys

Surveys from first two waves of the OSS administration

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OSS Data

Data from first two waves of the OSS administration

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OSS Reports

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Swinburne Open Science Survey (2019)

Project page for the survey material & data collected in 2019 by the Swinburne Open Science Task Force about researchers' scientific practices, at...

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HHMI Survey On Open Access

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Credibility of Preprints Survey

This survey was funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation as part of a larger grant to investigate signals of trust in preprints

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code sharingdata sharingincentivesmaterials sharingnull resultsopen accessopen scienceopen science attitudesopen science practicespreprintspreregistrationreplicationreproductionrobustness

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