What is "BR1"? And "BR2"?
The names of the folders below (e.g., "Experiment 1") correspond to the descriptions in Harner and Khemlani (preprint). The code, data, and analysis scripts also reflect a separate abbreviation system used for tracking experiments. Hence, "Experiment 1" corresponds to "BR1", i.e., the 1st experiment conducted for studying **B**ouletic **R**easoning.
How do you run an experiment from the code provided?
The experiments are written in Node.js using the "nodus-ponens" package. To run an experiment on your local machine, install Node.js and then follow these steps:
Download and unzip the corresponding experiment code, e.g., "Code.zip" under Experiment 1/Code.
Use your command line interface to navigate to the corresponding directory where the code is stored, e.g.,
$ cd ~/Desktop/Code/
Launch the experiment as follows:
$ node main.js
Point your browser to the "hostname" provided on the screen, e.g., "http://localhost:55150"