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**USAGE: FORK THE PROJECT TO CREATE A NEW STUDY** **Then add contributors, change the privacy settings if needs be, and fill in the template below.** For more information, see: ------- Below is a template for the description of your study; it is based on a typical pre-registration procedure, and requires you to fill in important information, before the study begins. This exercise will force you to commit to ideas and steps in your work, and will then help you formulating the pre-registration document that you will have to submit. In the OSF Projects are components you should use to connect and store the files and material for your study. # Title Provide the working title of your study. It is helpful if this is the same title that you submit for publication of your final manuscript, but it is not a requirement. # Study code Create a study code: 6 letters or numbers. # Ethics Specify the ethics code that you have been allocated, date of submission, and make sure you include the ethics application, comments and your responses to the reviewers. # Authors * .. * .. * # Aims and study design ## Research questions 1. Please list each research question included in this study. 2. ... ## Hypotheses For each of the research questions listed in the previous section, provide one or multiple specific and testable hypotheses. Please state if the hypotheses are directional or non-directional. If directional, state the direction. A predicted effect is also appropriate here. * H1. Primary hypothesis - H1.1 Secondary hypothesis * H2. .. # Method ## Existing data Preregistration is designed to make clear the distinction between confirmatory tests, specified prior to seeing the data, and exploratory analyses conducted after observing the data. Therefore, creating a research plan in which existing data will be used presents unique challenges. Please describe the existing data that will be used in your study. If you indicate that you will be using some data that already exist in this study, please describe the steps you have taken to assure that you are unaware of any patterns or summary statistics in the data. This may include an explanation of how access to the data has been limited, who has observed the data, or how you have avoided observing any analysis of the specific data you will use in your study. The purpose of this question is to assure that the line between confirmatory and exploratory analysis is clear. ## Data collection procedures Please describe the process by which you will collect your data. If you are using human subjects, this should include the population from which you obtain subjects, recruitment efforts, payment for participation, how subjects will be selected for eligibility from the initial pool (e.g. inclusion and exclusion rules), and your study timeline. For studies that don’t include human subjects, include information about how you will collect samples, duration of data gathering efforts, source or location of samples, or batch numbers you will use. Describe your study design. Examples include two-group, factorial, randomized block, and repeated measures. Is it a between (unpaired), within-subject (paired), or mixed design? Describe any counterbalancing required. Typical study designs for observation studies include cohort, cross sectional, and case-control studies. If you are doing a randomized study, how will you randomize, and at what level? ## Participants Who are your participants? How will you recruit them? ## Behavioural measurements ## Imaging parameters ### fMRI ### EEG ### ERG # Analyses ## Sample size Describe the sample size of your study. How many units will be analyzed in the study? This could be the number of people, birds, classrooms, plots, interactions, or countries included. If the units are not individuals, then describe the size requirements for each unit. If you are using a clustered or multilevel design, how many units are you collecting at each level of the analysis? ## Power analysis This could include a power analysis or an arbitrary constraint such as time, money, or personnel. Which software did you use? Please include scripts. ## Stopping rule If your data collection procedures do not give you full control over your exact sample size, specify how you will decide when to terminate your data collection. ## Manipulated variables (IV) Describe all variables you plan to manipulate and the levels or treatment arms of each variable. For observational studies and meta-analyses, simply state that this is not applicable. ## Measured variables (DV) Describe each variable that you will measure. This will include outcome measures, as well as any predictors or covariates that you will measure. You do not need to include any variables that you plan on collecting if they are not going to be included in the confirmatory analyses of this study. ## Exploratory analyses If you plan to explore your data set to look for unexpected differences or relationships, you may describe those tests here. An exploratory test is any test where a prediction is not made up front, or there are multiple possible tests that you are going to use. A statistically significant finding in an exploratory test is a great way to form a new confirmatory hypothesis, which could be registered at a later time. ## Indices and combined measurements If any measurements are going to be combined into an index (or even a mean), what measures will you use and how will they be combined? Include either a formula or a precise description of your method. If your are using a more complicated statistical method to combine measures (e.g. a factor analysis), you can note that here but describe the exact method in the analysis plan section. ## Statistical models What statistical model will you use to test each hypothesis? Please include the type of model (e.g. ANOVA, multiple regression, SEM, etc) and the specification of the model (this includes each variable that will be included as predictors, outcomes, or covariates). Please specify any interactions that will be tested and remember that any test not included here must be noted as an exploratory test in your final article. What software will you use? What's your plan to document your work, and make it available? What criteria will you use to make inferences? Please describe the information you’ll use (e.g. specify the p-values, Bayes factors, specific model fit indices), as well as cut-off criterion, where appropriate. Will you be using one or two tailed tests for each of your analyses? If you are comparing multiple conditions or testing multiple hypotheses, will you account for this? ## Pre-processing and transformations ## Follow-up analyses If not specified previously, will you be conducting any confirmatory analyses to follow up on effects in your statistical model, such as subgroup analyses, pairwise or complex contrasts, or follow-up tests from interactions? Remember that any analyses not specified in this research plan must be noted as exploratory. ## Data exclusion criteria How will you determine which data points or samples (if any) to exclude from your analyses? How will outliers be handled? ## Missing data How will you deal with incomplete or missing data? # References Please use Zotero to compute the reference list.
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