# **Data**
#### **This section is a place to hold the raw data collected over the course of your project**
Some examples of what might be included in this section are:
- The aggregated data collected
- The raw data from instruments
- Charts, graphs, and other visuals from your project
- Data stored in third-party storage may also be attached
If you would like to use a third-party storage service please see the [OSF guides for using Add-ons][1] for step-by-step guides on how to link them.
An example of a linked Dataverse folder is on the main page of this component.
**You must comply with ECU, University of North Carolina, and federal requirements related to privacy and data security. This include, but is not limited to, never sharing, posting, or uploading FERPA, HIPPA, or other personal indentifying information. For more information, please see ECU's policies [here](https://www.ecu.edu/prr).**
If you have any questions or concerns regarding copyrights please send your questions to <Copyright@ecu.edu>.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about OSF or the use of this template please contact us at <ScholarlyComm@ecu.edu>.
OSF provides tutorials, FAQs, and support information on [OSF Guides][2].
[2]: http://help.osf.io