You can now list your concrete outputs from the SIPS 2019 meeting in [this document][1].
- [Live Updating Schedule][2]
- [Static .pdf Program][3]
- [General Conference Information][4]
### **July 7, 13:45**
- [Hack - Justifications of study planning decisions: which types of decisions are taken, and what types of evidence can we distinguish?][136]
- [Hack - Building an open science knowledge base][7]
- [Hack - Nudging open science practices in CVs][8]
- [Hack - Replace journals' writing-based authorship guidelines with a contributorship model][9]
- [Hack - Finding value in anonymized data: Exploring scenarios for secondary use][10]
- [Hack - Creating a pre-registration tool for human neuroimaging studies (M/EEG, fMRI)][11]
- [Hack - Making open psychological datasets more accessible and useful for research and teaching][12]
- [Hack - Helping researchers identify their smallest effect size of interest][13]
- [Workshop - Introduction to R for psychology][14]
- [Workshop - Improving psychological science by formalizing psychological theories: The value of computational modeling][15]
- [Workshop - Preparing code and data for computationally reproducible collaboration and publication: A hands-on workshop for researchers)][16]
- [Workshop - Redesigning methods curricula for reproducibility][17]
- [Workshop - Ethics: It's already hard enough without it! (but why it is important!)][18]
- [Unconf - Open science for mid-career plus researchers][19]
- [Unconf - Ontologies for psychological science][20]
- [Unconf - Measurement error in psychology][21]
- [Unconf - Encouraging data sharing and signposting in clinical psychology][22]
### **July 7, 15:45**
- [Hack - Less data cleaning, more data adventures with Psych-DS: What could we do if datasets lived in a common format?][23]
- [Hack - Many (validity) analysts, one dataset: Making transparent how variations in measurement practices impact conclusions about validity][24]
- [Workshop - Contemporary philosophy of scientific practices for practicing scientists][25]
- [Unconf - Working with editors to correct the literature][27]
- [Unconf - Open science considerations for researchers working with qualitative data][28]
- [Unconf - Going real time! Utilizing data deposition, sharing, analysis, and reporting to facilitate openness and credibility][29]
- [Unconf - Registered Reports & PLoS One][30]
### **July 8, 9:30**
- [Hack - QRP reviewer guidelines][31]
- [Hack - Arguments that need to die][32]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 3][135]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 4][33]
- [Hack - Formalizing verbal models][34]
- [Hack - Open research documentation][35]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 3][36]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 4][37]
- [Workshop - Introducing meta-analytic methods for psychological scientists][38]
- [Workshop - Doing open, transparent, and reproducible research with RMarkdown and Git][39]
- [Workshop - Introduction to pre-registration][40]
- [Workshop - Meeting of the minds: A practical introduction to current philosophy of science][41]
- [Workshop - Bayesian inference with JASP][42]
- [Unconf - Alexia][43]
- [Unconf - Ariane][44]
- [Unconf - FORRT: Supporting teaching of open and reproducible research practices][99]
- [Unconf - Rotterdam I][81]
- [Unconf - Creating (and mapping) the history of scientific reform][47]
- [Unconf - When meta is not better: Towards a framework for transparent and robust systematic reviews][48]
- [Unconf - Project free our knowledge: Accelerating open science with collective action campaigns][49]
### **July 8, 11:30**
- [Hack - Using replication as a teaching tool in the classroom][6]
- [Hack - Challenges in ESM research: Developing a dynamic taxonomy of best practices][68]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 3][52]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 4][53]
- [Hack - Teaching research methods, statistics, and open science to high school and undergraduate students through video games][54]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 3][55]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 4][56]
- [Workshop - Reproducible data visualizations using R and Binder][57]
- [Unconf - Alexia][58]
- [Unconf - Ariane][59]
- [Unconf - Juliana][60]
- [Unconf - Introducing the platform for young meta-scientists][61]
- [Unconf - How to promote open science in stagnant communities: Experience from Russia][62]
- [Unconf - What do first year psychology students think about open science?][63]
- [Unconf - Open science in time-limited student projects][64]
### **July 8, 14:45**
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 3][66]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 4][67]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 1][65]
- [Hack - Meeting of the minds: Working towards sustainable interaction between science and philosophy][69]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 3][70]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 4][71]
- [Workshop - Finding, using, and making open educational resources][72]
- [Workshop - Introduction to version control using Git][73]
- [Workshop - RepliCATS: Evaluating the replicability of social and behavioral science claims][74]
- [Workshop - Open sampling: Challenges in using MTurk and other crowdsourced samples?][75]
- [Unconf - Alexia][76]
- [Unconf - Ariane][77]
- [Unconf - Juliana][78]
- [Unconf - Why everyone should care about evidence-based science reading skills training, especially in the open science movement][79]
- [Unconf - The inaugural meeting of the open toolmakers' guild][80]
- [Unconf - Implications of teaching Bayesian statistics to undergraduate psychology students][46]
### **July 9, 9:30**
- [Hack - Reviewing for replicability: Maximizing the effectiveness of manuscript reviews and decision letters][82]
- [Hack - Promoting the use of diverse statistical methods][83]
- [Hack - Tracking and visualizing OSF adoption across time, seniority, and university][84]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 4][85]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 1][86]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 2][87]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 3][88]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 4][89]
- [Workshop - Dealing with publication bias in a meta-analysis][90]
- [Workshop - Developing your personal workflow for transparent and reproducible research][91]
- [Workshop - Statistics are useless without suitable data: How to implement and assess for data quality][92]
- [Workshop - Questionable measurement practices and how to avoid them][93]
- [Unconf - Emma][94]
- [Unconf - Alexia][95]
- [Unconf - Ariane][96]
- [Unconf - Juliana][97]
- [Unconf - What are we doing to make open science normative in our own institutions?][98]
- [Unconf - Rotterdam II][45]
- [Unconf - Looking for an editor and editorial board members for the Journal of Open Psychology Data][100]
### **July 9, 11:30**
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 1][101]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 2][102]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 3][103]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 4][104]
- [Hack - Developing a lab manual template to facilitate more efficient transparent, and reproducible research][105]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 2][106]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 3][107]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 4][108]
- [Workshop - Active participation in multi-site collaborative projects to build reputation and research credibility][109]
- [Unconf - The academic conference of the future][110]
- [Unconf - Alexia][111]
- [Unconf - Ariane][112]
- [Unconf - Juliana][113]
- [Unconf - Rotterdam I][114]
- [Unconf - Bringing the credibility revolution to other disciplines][115]
- [Unconf - Guide me: A proposal to encourage micro collaboration on the web][116]
### **July 9, 14:45**
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 1][117]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 2][118]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 3][119]
- [Hack - Beatrix Zone 4][120]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 2][121]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 3][122]
- [Hack - Willem-Alexander Zone 4][123]
- [Workshop - Document your data][124]
- [Workshop - One to rule them all: A beginner's guide to fitting Bayesian mixed-effects models in Stan using brms][125]
- [Workshop - Twitter content analysis in R][26]
- [Workshop - Voicing values about statistical decisions][127]
- [Unconf - The future of SIPS][128]
- [Unconf - Alexia][129]
- [Unconf - Ariane][130]
- [Unconf - Juliana][131]
- [Unconf - Rotterdam I][132]
- [Unconf - Rotterdam II][133]
- [Unconf - Rijndam][134]
### **Poster Archive**
- [See archived posters here][135]
[1]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ChVO43JzGLp9ST1ghpBWFFbvSLzQx2rjSLI6pvYEcgM/edit?usp=sharing
[2]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G_SoWUquak6oD-b2L3L-XB7cF97UAGb8PPyVg3r0Lts/edit?usp=sharing
[3]: https://osf.io/k9yh3/
[4]: https://www.improvingpsych.org/SIPS2019/
[5]: https://osf.io/
[6]: https://osf.io/bre6j/
[7]: https://osf.io/xtqjy/
[8]: https://osf.io/y8jgn/
[9]: https://osf.io/pzyn3/
[10]: https://osf.io/2n8b6/
[11]: https://osf.io/zr52p/
[12]: https://osf.io/ag23c/
[13]: https://osf.io/myv3f/
[14]: https://osf.io/tphqd/
[15]: https://osf.io/5czsn/
[16]: https://osf.io/57vpu/
[17]: https://osf.io/qa5w8/
[18]: https://osf.io/xp6ej/
[19]: https://osf.io/f596w/
[20]: https://osf.io/4b2hu/
[21]: https://osf.io/eghb5/
[22]: https://osf.io/z39dy/
[23]: https://osf.io/8wkz7/
[24]: https://osf.io/vdbhr/
[25]: https://osf.io/tu9hb/
[26]: https://osf.io/y2kuw/
[27]: https://osf.io/7h2qm/
[28]: https://osf.io/b4spf/
[29]: https://osf.io/nfg83/
[30]: https://osf.io/qrjgv/
[31]: https://osf.io/u9qce/
[32]: https://osf.io/8z27p/
[33]: https://osf.io/wpksc/
[34]: https://osf.io/6vx8b/
[35]: https://osf.io/c52yh/
[36]: https://osf.io/va57g/
[37]: https://osf.io/p58bu/
[38]: https://osf.io/s5ug3/
[39]: https://osf.io/kqhmw/
[40]: https://osf.io/jnxc5/
[41]: https://osf.io/wqj43/
[42]: https://osf.io/gbzcs/
[43]: https://osf.io/eq9mb/
[44]: https://osf.io/9ja4z/
[45]: https://osf.io/38ut6/
[46]: https://osf.io/tnuex/
[47]: https://osf.io/shp3a/
[48]: https://osf.io/ta8yj/
[49]: https://osf.io/fp47t/
[50]: https://osf.io/d56mq/
[51]: https://osf.io/vmrf4/
[52]: https://osf.io/rgvha/
[53]: https://osf.io/ne9cj/
[54]: https://osf.io/4grpj/
[55]: https://osf.io/e98th/
[56]: https://osf.io/5qa7u/
[57]: https://osf.io/axyuq/
[58]: https://osf.io/8esrd/
[59]: https://osf.io/ecdzb/
[60]: https://osf.io/hb2rt/
[61]: https://osf.io/qwr97/
[62]: https://osf.io/zgb5s/
[63]: https://osf.io/f7xqb/
[64]: https://osf.io/mhetg/
[65]: https://osf.io/nu2dw/
[66]: https://osf.io/4j6dk/
[67]: https://osf.io/294bx/
[68]: https://osf.io/ntzf5/
[69]: https://osf.io/gswbv/
[70]: https://osf.io/mc5hg/
[71]: https://osf.io/3u2zx/
[72]: https://osf.io/7t98s/
[73]: https://osf.io/vuaxk/
[74]: https://osf.io/cah84/
[75]: https://osf.io/jxc27/
[76]: https://osf.io/z4ewu/
[77]: https://osf.io/ckx48/
[78]: https://osf.io/2cy4p/
[79]: https://osf.io/4hvb2/
[80]: https://osf.io/axw3v/
[81]: https://osf.io/n93ug/
[82]: https://osf.io/cpw6a/
[83]: https://osf.io/rs3fk/
[84]: https://osf.io/wkuqm/
[85]: https://osf.io/4rtkm/
[86]: https://osf.io/2fv37/
[87]: https://osf.io/eqrs8/
[88]: https://osf.io/jgty6/
[89]: https://osf.io/vj3df/
[90]: https://osf.io/4x9fb/
[91]: https://osf.io/924qt/
[92]: https://osf.io/x53kn/
[93]: https://osf.io/yh5uq/
[94]: https://osf.io/c9txy/
[95]: https://osf.io/jt3va/
[96]: https://osf.io/us64h/
[97]: https://osf.io/kuxdv/
[98]: https://osf.io/xv7p4/
[99]: https://osf.io/trbm5/
[100]: https://osf.io/2wy6r/
[101]: https://osf.io/jdawk/
[102]: https://osf.io/ud6eh/
[103]: https://osf.io/neytq/
[104]: https://osf.io/ntq2u/
[105]: https://osf.io/dvtyk/
[106]: https://osf.io/qms5h/
[107]: https://osf.io/z2rtk/
[108]: https://osf.io/bue4f/
[109]: https://osf.io/ys58b/
[110]: https://osf.io/qh4tg/
[111]: https://osf.io/hrv4k/
[112]: https://osf.io/sdxzj/
[113]: https://osf.io/educg/
[114]: https://osf.io/38uwz/
[115]: https://osf.io/78vsq/
[116]: https://osf.io/rfgmn/
[117]: https://osf.io/rc6aj/
[118]: https://osf.io/har94/
[119]: https://osf.io/cjswz/
[120]: https://osf.io/5fujp/
[121]: https://osf.io/v34se/
[122]: https://osf.io/auevb/
[123]: https://osf.io/fqay7/
[124]: https://osf.io/qz67a/
[125]: https://osf.io/kuy68/
[126]: https://osf.io/d7tx2/
[127]: https://osf.io/n8cr4/
[128]: https://osf.io/wv8sg/
[129]: https://osf.io/ntpue/
[130]: https://osf.io/wkbau/
[131]: https://osf.io/z8dmg/
[132]: https://osf.io/jua8n/
[133]: https://osf.io/bsx5t/
[134]: https://osf.io/kuh9g/
[135]: https://osf.io/d3gr6/
[136]: https://osf.io/ywv56/
[137]: https://osf.io/rz3mg/