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  1. Julieta Dominguez Soberanes
  2. Primož Treven
  3. Zhivka Goranova
  4. Valentina Simeunovic
  5. Janja Trček
  6. Oktay Yerlikaya
  7. Mustafa Fevzi Karagoz
  8. Isabel Moreno-Indias
  9. Patricia Ruiz-Limón
  10. Carolina Gutiérrez-Repiso
  11. Milica Prvulović
  12. Sofia Lalou
  13. Sultan ARSLAN-TONTUL
  14. Tuba Esatbeyoglu
  15. Bojana Vidović
  16. Javier Echeverría
  17. Kathryn J. Burton-Pimentel
  18. Eudes Landry Anyhouvi
  19. Semra Türkoğlu
  20. Birsen Yilmaz
  21. Fani Mantzouridou

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Category: Project

Description: This study protocol (PIMENTO-SP-E4) describes the workflow aimed at reviewing the effect of fermented food consumption on glucose homeostasis in healthy adults. The review based on this study protocol uses the EFSA guidance [Guidance on the scientific requirements for health claims related to appetite ratings, weight management, and blood glucose concentrations, EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA), EFSA Journal 2012;10(3):2604. [11 pp.]] to assemble evidence on this topic.


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