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Thanks for contributing to this database! Before you can submit anything, you’ll need to get in touch with Violet Brown at so that she can make you a contributor on this OSF project and give you edit access for the accompanying Google Sheet. When you add something to the OSF page, please: 1. First create a folder on OSF and label it with something intuitive that indicates the main thing about the stimuli. In that OSF folder, add: - A .rtf, .txt, or other simple document type called “description” that includes the information below. This will essentially serve as a landing page for your stimuli. - A .csv file containing transcriptions of the speech stimuli and other relevant information about them (see below for more details) - Folders containing all relevant materials (zip files are highly encouraged because although there is a “Download as Zip” option on OSF, it sometimes doesn’t appear on browsers with ad blockers installed, and given that there isn’t an option to download a folder on OSF, people would have to download each file in a folder individually). Within the main folder, please make sure the files are organized in an intuitive way, and that subfolders are named intuitively (you’ll describe what’s in each folder in the “description” file). 2. Navigate to the Google Spreadsheet ( and add the following information: - The name of the main folder (e.g., 564_AV_CVC_words) - The contributors’ names - Key words that can help people quickly search the database for the stimuli they’re looking for. You can copy/paste the summary from your “description” file (see below) if you’d like, or just add relevant terms (e.g., “CVC words, audiovisual, audio-only, American English, female”) - The OSF link to your “description” file (which essentially serves as a landing page for your stimuli) The “description” document, which is basically a README that includes all relevant information about the stimuli, should include the following information (see my 720_Harvard_IEEE_sentences_AV and 564_AV_CVC_words entries for examples, and the description_template.rtf file if you'd like a template): 1. **Contributors:** include the contributors’ names and contact information (for those who are comfortable providing it) 2. **Summary:** summarize important information about the stimuli and put this information at the top of the document, right below information about the contributors. This should include the language, type of speech content (e.g., phonemes, words, sentences, passages, etc.), modality of presentation, and list any unique features of the stimuli (e.g., sine wave speech). Here are some examples: - Mandarin-accented English, female speaker, sentences, nonnative, audio-only - Complete Harvard IEEE sentences, audio-only, audiovisual, female speaker of American English - da-ta VOT continuum, male speaker of American English, syllables, audio-only - McGurk syllables, female speaker of American English 3. **Details about the stimuli:** include any details not mentioned in the summary, perhaps including: - How many stimuli there are - Details about the talker (e.g., they were produced by a female native speaker of American English without a discernible regional accent) - Where the stimuli come from. If the stimuli come from an existing data base, list the database, and if they reflect a subset of stimuli in a database, describe the selection procedures. Here are some examples: - Complete list of Harvard IEEE sentences - Random sample of words from the ELP database with log-frequencies greater than 3, excluding words with more than two syllables or five phonemes - Whether noise reduction has been performed on the stimuli (and if you have details about that, great!) - Whether they were produced in a clear or conversational style - Details about the recording equipment, if available - Noise files that may be relevant (e.g., speech-shaped noise generated in Praat using Matt Winn’s (2018) script based on the speech files in the XXX folder, two-talker babble files that were combined with the speech files for use in XXX experiment) 4. **File structure:** details about how the files are organized so people can find the relevant files (i.e., what’s contained in each folder?) 5. **Published and unpublished projects using these stimuli:** list any of your work that has used your stimuli. For example: - These stimuli were used in: Brown & Strand (2019). About face: Seeing the talker improves spoken word recognition but increases listening effort. Journal of Cognition 6. **Citation:** how should researchers using your stimuli should credit your work? If the stimuli occur in published work, include that citation. Otherwise, cite this database as a website, including your name, the year, a relevant descriptor, and the particular link to your description file. This is because OSF doesn’t provide link for folders (only individual files), so the description file can serve as a landing page for your stimuli. Here’s an example: - Brown, V. A. (2020). Stimuli and other resources for speech researchers. Audiovisual recordings of Harvard IEEE sentences. 7. **Transcriptions:** include the name(s) of the file(s) including transcriptions of the stimuli (preferably a .csv file). That file should include relevant information about the stimuli. For example: - If you have information about part of speech, frequency, neighborhood density on the stimuli that may be relevant, include that - If you performed a VOT manipulation such that you have nine syllables on a ba-pa continuum, indicate where on the continuum each of the nine stimuli falls 8. **Other notes:** any other information you see relevant, or notes about your stimuli that people may find helpful - E.g., The Harvard IEEE sentences I added were recorded in at home rather than in a studio because they were recorded during the COVID pandemic. The room I recorded in had a bunch of windows, so the lighting is inconsistent. This was fine for my purposes but may pose a problem for some projects. 9. If relevant, please include the stimuli in multiple forms. For example: - If you created sentences by recording carrier phrases and final words separately and combined them, you should try to include both the individual words and carrier phrases as well as the combined sentences (maybe another researcher wants to use the same target words but different carrier phrases, or vice versa)
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