**EROS resources**
As part of our mission to provide guidance and training, we have compiled a selected list of freely available tools and resources that can help researchers understand and adopt open practices. The goal of this collection is to provide a starting point for researchers wishing to, e.g.,
- Find a practical introduction to the whys and whats of open science
- Learn about the benefits of open science, including multi-site
collaboration and reproducibility
- Make use of open resources (e.g. open source software and
Creative-Commons-licensed materials) to minimize restrictions on
sharing and verifiability
- Pre-register a study in public archives or via journals (Registered
- Learn about optimal reporting, statistical, and scientific practices
to ensure reproducibility
- Archive and publicly share their study data, code, and materials to
the maximum extent permitted by ethics and privacy law
- Understand funder and journal policies related to open data and open