This repository contains data and code to reproduce the analyses conducted for the study:
Trilla I, Drimalla H, Bajbouj M and Dziobek I (2020) The Influence of Reward on Facial Mimicry: No Evidence for a Significant
Effect of Oxytocin. *Front. Behav. Neurosci.* 14:88. [doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2020.00088][1]
- `analysis.Rmd`: code annotated in R Markdown to reproduce the statistical analyses described in the manuscript.
- CSV files with data of the reward learning task (`data_rewardlearning.csv`), EMG scores of the facial mimicry task (`data_emg_stats.csv`), demographic information and questionnaire scores (`data_questionnaires.csv`), as well as summary statistics to create the EMG figures (`data_emg_figures_noreward.csv`, `data_emg_figures_reward.csv`).
- Note that only the processed EMG data (not raw data) and summary statistics used for the analyses and figures are shared to avoid compromising confidentiality.
- Information about the variables and data included in each data set can be found in: `data.dictionary.xlsx`.
- `results.html` is the output in HTML format from running the R Markdown code.
- The results from the statistical analyses are also available online: [https://itrilla.github.io/oxtstudy/][2]
[1]: http://Trilla%20I,%20Drimalla%20H,%20Bajbouj%20M%20and%20Dziobek%20I%20%282020%29%20The%20Influence%20of%20Reward%20on%20Facial%20Mimicry:%20No%20Evidence%20for%20a%20Significant%20Effect%20of%20Oxytocin.%20Front.%20Behav.%20Neurosci.%2014:88.%20doi:%2010.3389/fnbeh.2020.00088
[2]: https://itrilla.github.io/oxtstudy/index