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**All paper figures** * *PAPER_FIGURES.m* * Requires folder 'funs' and files in task folders **** **Run models** * *HBayes_RunModelsParallel.R* – script to run all models. * needs an hBayesDM model file (‘*./BanditTask/Anahit_Hbayes_lapseS1.R*’ = example) * needs a text file with data (e.g., '*All_Bandit.txt*' in ./BanditTask * *RUN_testretest_embedded_corr_models_all.R* - runs all hierarchical Bayesian joint models with embedded correlation matrix * *./BanditTask/bandit4arm_lapse_testretest.stan* - bandit model * *./GambleTask/ra_prospect_testretest.stan* - gamble model * *MixedModels_all.R* - runs all mixed models and saves individual predicted values: * ./BanditTask/Bandit_mixedRegression_S1_S2_data.csv * ./GambleTask/Gambling_mixedRegression_S1_S2_data **Other files** * *preprocessSIMULATEDdata.m* – preprocess and saves excel file of simulated and raw data together * ./BanditTask/Preproc_Bandit_SIMnREALrawData.xls * ./GambleTask/Preproc_Gamble_SIMnREALrawData.xls * *ModelProcessing.Rmd* - model comparison and extracts and saves mean parameter estimates of models. Saves files (below are examples): * ./BanditTask/params_outputS1_lapse_47subs.csv/ * ./GambleTask/params_outputS1_prospect_18Jan20.csv *** **./BanditTask/ scripts & folders** * 'hBayesOUTPUT' folder - all hBayesDM objects (model data) for bandit task * 'session1/2' folder - raw subject data (anonymised) .mat files * *preprocessBandit.m* - preprocesses raw data into model-agnostic measures into excel file: * ./BanditTask/Preproc_Bandit.xls * *preprocess4modelling_Bandit.m* - creates .txt files of trial-by-trial data info for modelling * example: ./BanditTask/S1_Bandit.txt * *Likelihood_Predict_bandit4arm_lapse.R* – calculate predictive probability. Saves files: * ./BanditTask/S1PredictS1_bandit4_Lapse47.csv * ./BanditTask/S2PredictS2_bandit4_Lapse47.csv * ./BanditTask/S1PredictS2_bandit4_Lapse47.csv * *Likelihood_PredictOTHERS_bandit4arm_lapse.R* – calculate average of future predictive probability of all but current subject. Saves files: * ./BanditTask/S1_OTHERparamsPredict_S2_bandit4_Lapse47subs47.csv * *Likelihood_S1priorMeanPredictS2_bandit4arm_lapse.R* - calculate S1 group prior parameters in predicting S2 data compared with subject's own S1 parameters. Saves: * ./BanditTask/S1PRIORS_PredictS2_bandit4_Lapse47.csv * *simulate_bandit4arm_lapse.R* – create & save artificial data based on model parameters. Saves file (example): * ./BanditTask/S1_bandit4_Lapse_SimData_47subs47.txt * use this file to 1) fit lapse model & then extract parameter estimates on the simulated data for parameter recovery checks and 2) check simulated versus real data. Currently need to manually adjust headers in txt file **./GambleTask/ scripts & folders** * same ones as in ./BanditTask/ but called 'prospect' or 'gamble' instead of 'bandit'
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