We share the research output used for the COVID19 Infodemics Observatory that you can find [here][1]. The Observatory is a digital platform allowing to visualize the infodemic risk of each country in the world. For more details we refer to the website.
The data is shared in csv format (File: COVID19_Infodemics_Observatory_13-03-2020.csv), allowing to reproduce relevant infodemiological information such as the fraction of bots, the fraction of unreliable news and the infodemic risk index.
Below you can find a screenshot of the Observatory:
![COVID19 Infodemics Observatory][2]
[1]: https://covid19obs.fbk.eu/
[2]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/n6upx/providers/osfstorage/5e70a6920cd06c03f8004e8f?mode=render
For details, contact:
* Manlio De Domenico, CoMuNe Lab, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, mdedomenico@fbk.eu