**Principal investigator:**
**Kathleen Denny**
University of Maryland
Email: kdenny@umd.edu
Homepage: http://www.socy.umd.edu/gradprofile/Denny/Kathleen
**Sample size:** 1733
**Field period:** 03/09/2012-06/15/2012
1. How is fathers’ level of involvement with children evaluated in the context of the professional workplace?
2. How is level of involvement with children evaluated for fathers of different racial/ethnic backgrounds in the workplace?
Experimental Manipulations
Race: African-American, Latino, Asian, and white
Level of Paternal Involvement: Non-Father, Less Involved Father, Highly Involved Father
Ten evaluation items, including:
- Trustworthy
- Likable
- Hardworking
- Responsible
- Level of commitment
- Test score required for consideration
- Expected late days
- Likelihood of hire
- Starting salary offer
- Likelihood of promotion
**Summary of Results**
Findings indicate that highly involved fathers are evaluated more favorably in the context of the professional workplace than men without children and than less involved fathers. However, this differs by race. Highly involved white and Asian fathers -- but not African-American and Latino fathers -- are evaluated significantly more positively than their childless counterparts in terms of character, commitment, and salary. Childless African-American men, on the other hand, are evaluated significantly more favorably than other childless men in terms of behavior, character, and hirability.
Privileging the Privileged: Evaluations of Fathers in the Professional Workplace by Level of Involvement with Children and Race to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2013