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### Expertise in planning Welcome to the expertise in planning wiki! This documentation explains the data and code format for the project. ### Data There are two types of data formats, one for fitted model parameters and the other for raw data. Both are stored as pandas dataframes. Fitted model parameter files start with **model_fits_xxx.csv**, where **xxx** refers to the model type (i.e. **main_model** or **mcts**). These files contain fits for all laboratory experiments, and the following columns per participant and cross-validation group: - Each of the model's 10 features - Cross-validated log-likelihood - Experiment type - Participant number - Cross-validation group number - Session number (for the learning experiment) - Time limit (for the time pressure experiment) The raw data file is **raw_data.csv**, and contains every move made across all laboratory experiments. The columns per participant and cross-validation group are as follows: - Binary code for the white and black pieces on the board before a move is made (0 for the empty squares, 1 for the occupied squares) - Move selected by the participant (0-35) - Color of the participant making the move - Response time for that move (in seconds) - Participant number - Cross-validation group number - Experiment name - Time limit (for the time pressure experiment) - Session number (for the learning experiment) ### Code The code base lives on ****. The relevant files/directories are **Experiment code**, which contains files for running various experiment, **Model code**, which contains implementations of all the models and parameter estimates, and **Analysis notebooks**, which contains scripts for plotting and analyzing model fits and parameter estimates. The remaining files are supplementary, and used for model fitting and analyses as needed.
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