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*** This page has been set up to host our animation, infographics and posters aimed at increasing awareness and uptake of SNOMED CT codes for FASD in clinical practice so that FASD is reliably recorded in patient records. These materials are provided in the 'files' section of this page. Feel free to view, download, and share these with your networks. Please do not edit these materials from their original form without permission. Please cite as: McQuire, C., Parsonage, J., Jackson, P., Butcher, S., Mukherjee, R., Millington, L., … Dillon, A. (2024, September 23). Improving Clinical Coding for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Design credit goes to*** Further information: • New SNOMED CT codes for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) were introduced by NHS England in April 2024. • This makes it possible, for the first time, for clinicians to record a diagnosis of FASD within patients’ electronic records using terms that represent the full spectrum of FASD. • Reliable recording of FASD in electronic patient records is crucial for: - Monitoring progress against the NICE Quality Standard (QS204) - Enabling linkage to other routine data sources (e.g. through creation of a National Linked Database for FASD) to better understand the needs of those living with FASD and its impact at an individual and population level. We strongly encourage the uptake of these SNOMED CT codes in clinical practice: 1894471000000108: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder with sentinel facial features (disorder) 1894461000000101: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder without sentinel facial features (disorder) 2078801000000102 - At increased risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (finding)
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