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  1. Patricia Jackson
  2. Sandra Butcher
  3. Raja Mukherjee
  4. Louise Millington
  5. Janice Watson
  6. Murray Bell
  7. Amy Dillon

Date created: 2024-09-17 08:20 AM | Last Updated: 2024-09-23 03:38 PM

Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/N2AGK

Category: Project


*** This page has been set up to host our animation, infographics and posters aimed at increasing awareness and uptake of SNOMED CT codes for FASD in clinical practice so that FASD is reliably recorded in patient records. These materials are provided in the 'files' section of this page. Feel free to view, download, and share these with your networks. Please do not edit these materials from their o…


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Electronic patient recordsFASDSNOMED

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