This component contains the coding after discussion between both authors. The data are divided in three separate files: one featuring all corrections (data_all.csv), one featuring only corrections involving changes in pertinent results (data_pertinent.csv), and one featuring retractions (data_retractions.csv; see Material component for metadata). The fourth file, called trend.txt, contains information regarding the number of corrections (variable "corrections"), number of articles (variable "articles"), and number of documents (variable "documents"), published in a given year (variable "year") according to the Scopus search (see the Material and Analyses & Manuscript components for more details).
After review of the manuscript we added the file trendByJournal.txt, which contains similar information as trend.txt, but specific for the three journals under consideration (i.e., *Psychological Science* abbreviated as *PS*, *Frontiers in Psychology* abbreviated as *FiP*, and *Journal of Affective Disorders* abbreviated as *JoAD*).
In addition, we rectified a coding mistake in the file data_all.csv (i.e., one correction with pertinent results in the data_pertinent.csv file was mistakenly coded as a correction that did not affect the results in the data_all.csv file).