This repository houses two datasets and a README. The README is reproduced here:
This README describes the variables in two files:
- monitor_concentration_dataset.csv
- us_roadiness_dataset.csv
## ======================= ##
US road proximity dataset: "monitor_concentration_dataset.csv"
This dataset includes various roadiness metrics on a 4-km grid over the contiguous US as plotted in Figure 1 and Figure SI-1.
The coordinate reference string is defined by the following projection string: "+proj=lcc +lat_1=33 +lat_2=45 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-97 +a=6370000 +b=6370000"
## ======================= ##
Monitor values from measurements, models, and satellites with associated roadiness: "us_roadiness_dataset.csv"
This dataset includes all the data included in the analysis. Note that the measures of roadiness correspond to those plotted in Figure 1 and Figure SI-1, not the group-specific scaled values used in the regression. The columns names are defined as follows:
- *SiteID, State.Code, County.Code, Site.Number, Location.Setting*; monitor information from AQS
- *year*; year for reported value
- *pollutant, name, type, desc, unit*; value descriptors
- *value*; reported annual average
- *apcp*; NARR precipitation
- *rhum*; NARR relative humidity
- *temp*; NARR temperature
- *wspsd*; NARR windspeed
- *yrfac*; decade identifier for observation models
- *cali*; indicator for adoption of California mobile source regulations
- *sRoadLength, sRoadiness[1], sRoadiness[1.5], sRoadiness[2], sRoadCount, sRoadCount[1], sRoadCount[1.5], sRoadCount[2], VMT / area*; roadiness definitions described in manuscript