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Dissertation – The Cooperative and Competitive Functions of Gossip  /

Affiliated institutions: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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Category: Uncategorized

Description: Chapter 6 – Nasty and Noble Notes: Interdependence Structures Drive Self-Serving Gossip Based on: Dores Cruz, T. D., van der Lee, R., Bechtoldt, M. N., & Beersma, B. (2023). Nasty and Noble Notes: Interdependence Structures Drive Self-Serving Gossip. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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(Study 1: Scenario Study) Nasty and Noble Notes: Interdependence Structure Drives Self-serving Gossip

Experimental online scenario study on the trustworthiness of gossip across interdependence structures.

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(Study 2: Main Experiment) Nasty and Noble Notes: Interdependence Structure Drives Self-serving Gossip

Dores Cruz, Beersma & Otte
Experimental lab study on the trustworthiness of gossip across interdependence structures that promote prosocial and proself gossip.

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