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  1. Holger Cramer

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Description: Cardiology, a medical specialty focusing on heart and circulatory system disorders, covers a wide array of conditions such as congenital heart defects, myocarditis, and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). CVDs, the leading global cause of noncommunicable disease deaths, claim over 17.9 million lives annually, while congenital heart disease affects around 0.8% of live births. Conventional treatments like medications, surgeries, nanotechnology, and rehabilitation programs, although effective, often come with emotional, physical, and financial burdens, making patients reluctant to use them. This leads some patients to explore complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine (CAIM), encompassing various non-mainstream practices like mind-body therapies, biologically-based approaches, manipulative techniques, and whole medical systems. Research shows a significant portion of the population embracing CAIM, especially among cardiovascular patients. However, CAIM remains a contentious topic, with some healthcare practitioners and researchers viewing it as a challenge to traditional scientific training. This division can hinder patient care, as healthcare providers may lack the necessary knowledge to guide patients in CAIM use. Patients, in turn, might turn to less reliable sources for information. To address these gaps in understanding, an international cross-sectional survey aims to explore how cardiology researchers and clinicians perceive CAIM. The study seeks to uncover the foundations of both skepticism and support for CAIM within the cardiology field and to identify ways to bridge these perspectives. In summary, cardiology faces critical challenges related to heart and circulatory disorders. While conventional treatments are effective, their drawbacks lead many patients to consider CAIM. However, the divisive nature of CAIM complicates its integration into cardiology care. This survey aims to shed light on cardiology professionals' views of CAIM, with the aim of bridging knowledge gaps in this important medical field.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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