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Welcome to the 'same data, different analysts' project!

The results of this study are available in a preprint:

Here is the abstract from the draft of our Stage 2 Registered Report (this project is a registered report, meaning it has been provisionally accepted for publication based on the quality of the introduction and methods prior to data collection. It is curren…


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Ecology and Conservation Data

Home of the data for answering the research question "How does grass cover influence Eucalyptus spp. seedling recruitment?"

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Evolutionary Ecology Data

Home of data for the research question "To what extent is the growth of nestling blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) influenced by competition with siblin...

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ManyAnalysts GitHub Repository

Github repository containing reproducible quarto manuscript

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ManyEcoEvo GitHub Repository

R package that implements the analyses in the accompanying *ManyAnalysts* manuscript.

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