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Description: The purpose of this replication study is to examine the way participants with low and high self esteem use the social media site, Facebook. The study will measure how the participants generally feel about themselves and assessing their perceptions of the ways Facebook can be used. The study will use the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and the Perceptions of Facebook scale, both used in the original study. The study will be conducted in a Research Lab at Southern Arkansas University with the maximum of six participants taking the questionnaire in 30 minute sessions. It is completely voluntary for each participant who signs up to fulfill their General Psychology research exposure requirement.


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Contains materials used during the replication such as the informed consent form, the questionnaire, and the script (for the experimenter).

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Ethics Approval

Contains application submitted to the IRB and the approval documentation from the IRB for this study replication.

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Procedure Video

Contains demonstration of the replication.

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Data, Results, and SPSS files

Contains the data, results, and the SPSS files for this replication.

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