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**FabricPlotR** *See [change log here][1] for recent updates to scripts and packages.* This R script and supporting package allows the plotting and manipulation of c-axis orientation data imported as azimuth and inclination pairs (trend and plunge - see example datafile for format). Once loaded the data can be output as a scatter plot of *c*-axis orientations or a kernel density contour plot (filled or unfilled). The script will automatically determine the opening angle of crossed-girdle fabrics based on user-defined input. The script allows the rotation of data about any axis and, though it is focused on *c*-axis data, the script can be used with any line data. The FabricPlotR package automatically calculates opening angle temperature and fabric strength parameters (see below) and provides control on contour plotting parameters. In addition, there is a separate batch script to process entire folders of data files at once. The scripts require the following R libraries to be installed and loaded in order to run: - ggplot2 - *for plotting* - viridis - *for colour palette* - Directional - *for kernel density estimations and contours* - mapproj - *to project spherical data in 2D* - colorspace - *simple colour gradient implementation* - FabricPlotR - *custom functions called in the script* *Note that the [FabricPlotR package][2] must be downloaded from the [***Files***][3] herein and installed as a local library through your R app.* In addition if you are running R on MacOS, you will need to download and install [XQuartz][4] to enable all required functions. Plots generated are lower hemisphere approximations in an equal area (i.e. Schmidt) projection by default. The user can also choose to plot the data can be plotted in an equal angle (Wulff) projections. Density calculations use a von Mises-Fisher kernel on spherical data, as implemented by the vmf.kerncontour function in the [Directional R package][5]. Fabric opening angle determination is informed by the approach of [Hunter et al. (2018)][6] but is entirely original script. Quartz CPO opening angle temperature is calculated using the non-linear thermometer defined in Equation 3 of [Faleiros et al. (2016)][7]. Cylindricity and associated values are calculated as in [Vollmer (1990)][8]. *Intensity* is calculated as in [Lisle (1985)][9]. Uniformity Statistic is as proposed by [Mardia (1972)][10]. Density norm is calculated as the L2 norm of a von Mises-Fisher KDE for spherical data, as implemented by the vmf.kde function in the [Directional R package][11], using a user-input half-width normalized to a homogeneous distribution. Below are example output plots. Quartz *c*-axis opening angle plot (below) ![Quartz *c*-axis opening angle plot][12] Quartz c-axis scatter plot (below) !["Quartz *c*-axis scatter plot"][13] Quartz *c*-axis kernel density contour plot (note - some aspects of this plot have changed in recent versions) ![Quartz c-axis kernel density contour plot][14] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]:;2 [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: "Quartz c-axis scatter plot" [14]:
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