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## Introduction ## ---------- **What's available here?** Under the "Files" tab, you can access thresholded statistical maps and binary masks generated from our fMRI analyses; inputs used in our group-level fMRI analyses, including the concatenated filtered functional images; colorblind-accessible versions of all figures; and selected scripts, datafiles, and workflows. In this Wiki, you can find documentation about how to use these resources to replicate our analyses and enhance your understanding of our methods. Feel free to contact the corresponding authors, [Allison Jack][1] & [Abha R. Gupta][2], with any additional questions. ---------- **Where can I find your unthresholded statistical maps?** Please visit the [NeuroVault collection][3] associated with this project to view and download unthresholded statistical maps generated from our fMRI analyses. ---------- **How can I access your raw data?** Our raw DICOM-formatted imaging data, along with associated phenotypic & genotypic data, is available as an [NDAR data collection][4]. If you do not already have an account with the NIMH Data Archive, you will need to [request access][5]. ---------- **What are the licensing restrictions on this content?** All code on this site is licensed under the [MIT license][6]; all other content on this site, including visual media, documentation, and data files, are licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license][7]. What this basically means is that we are happy for you to use our code however you like and while we hope it is helpful for you, we provide it "as is" and make no claims as to its effectiveness and are not liable for any problems you may encounter while using it. As for any content we provide, whether it's figures, text, or data, you can re-use these for non-commercial purposes as long as you give us credit and share any resulting materials with others under the same terms. The above summary is not to substitute for the actual content of the licenses and is only meant to facilitate your understanding; you should read the actual licenses provided as well (in the LICENSES folder of the Files tab). ---------- **Who created this content?** Allison Jack authored all material related to fMRI and phenotypic analyses and maintains the page and associated documentation. Catherine A.W. Sullivan authored scripts for CNV analysis. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]:
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