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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Sonal Kusumakar, Indepe... iD 0000-0001-6428-5461

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT Over the next decade, the New Education Policy 2020 (recommended by the Union Minister for Human Resource Development Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank) will make significant changes to the way our school systems work, focusing on harnessing new technologies and diminishing the barrier between child and adult learning. In institutional terms, passing the NEP2020 steps will make it possible to begin implementing early childhood education after the age of three, improve results in the school-level exams, step aside from rote learning, increase mathematical skills for all, move to a four-year college degree system, and NEP2020 has a plan to establish an India Higher Education Commission representing significant reforms. The education strategy of today is too routine and lacks depth in the topics covered. .Keywords: Conceptual clarity, education, learning, skill


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