This component stores the final datasets that were used for each analysis of Experiment 2.
- *Exp2_Accuracy.txt*: Accuracy and RT for each subject. Note that this includes all 59 participants that were ultimately run. Three of these were excluded for extremely low accuracy. They are marked in the "included" column and do not appear in subsequent data files.
- *Exp2_curvefit_target.txt*: The logistic parameters for each subject.
- *Exp2_curvefit_cohort.txt, Exp2_curvefit_rhyme.txt, Exp2_curvefit_unrelated.txt*: The assymetric Gaussian parameters for each subject for cohort, rhyme and unrelated objects respectively.
- *Exp2_fixationcomponents.txt*: Holds the peak fixations, peak time and extent measures computed for each subject.
- *Exp2_rawtimecourse.txt*: The raw timecourse of fixations for each trial type for each subject. Note that not all trial types have all four types of competitors -- TRUU trials, for example, only have targets, rhymes and unrelated. Competitors that are missing for that trialtype will have a null value. Also note that some trial types will have more than one unrelated object (TCUU trials, for example, have two unrelated objects). For these, the unrelated column reflects the average of all unrelated items.