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Category: Project
Description: These are the Huari Spanish and Quechua sound files used in my dissertation at FU Berlin (2021). They were elicited by Raúl Bendezú Araujo, Timo Buchholz, and Uli Reich during field work in Huari, Ancash, Peru, in 2015 and 2017 as part of the DFG-funded research project "Zweisprachige Prosodie: Metrik, Rhythmus und Intonation in mehrsprachigen Kontaktsituationen" (project number 274614727, PI Uli Reich). The project website is at and some of the corpora from which the data here is taken has been published as Bendezú Araujo, Raúl, Timo Buchholz & Uli Reich. 2019. Corpora amerikanischer Sprachen: Interaktive Sprachspiele aus dem mehrsprachigen Lateinamerika (Quechua 1). and Bendezú Araujo, Raúl, Timo Buchholz & Uli Reich. 2021. Corpora amerikanischer Sprachen: Interaktive Sprachspiele aus dem mehrsprachigen Lateinamerika (Huari Spanisch 1). under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Speakers gave written consent to be recorded and for the recordings to be published anonymously. They were also financially compensated for their time. I thank the speakers for their enthusiasm, language and time, Gabriel Barreto Echiparra and Leonel Menacho López for their invaluable help and expertise, and Raúl Bendezú Araujo and Uli Reich for their collaboration and friendship. The support of the DFG is also gratefully acknowledged.
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