# Conctypo database, version 1
Version 1 of the conctypo database includes over 200 languages, which comprise a variety of samples. If you want a more balanced sample, I recommend that you pull only languages belonging to one of these samples (which are not necessarily completely coded):
* [WALS-100](https://wals.info/languoid/samples/100): 100 language sample defined by WALS
* [WALS-200](https://wals.info/languoid/samples/200): 200 language sample defined by WALS
* WALS-174: version of WALS-200 pared down for better genetic and geographic balance
* Hasp-100: Balanced 100 language sample where all languages have good documentation (Martin Haspelmath, p.c.)
Version number + language count is given below.
* v1.0: 249 languages