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Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
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Category: Project
The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) is the UK’s learned society for geography and professional body for geographers. The Society is also a registered charity and a membership organisation.
The Society’s prestigious medals and awards and dissertation prizes recognise excellence in geographical research and fieldwork, teaching and public engagement. The Society also supports geographical res…
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Details of projects awarded funding through the Society's grants programme for geographical field research since 1956.
Medals and awards
Details of recipients of the Society's medals and awards since 1832. The Society's medals and awards recognise excellence in geographical research, fi...
Research group dissertation awards
Details of annual dissertation prizes awarded by the Society's Research Groups to recognise outstanding work from undergraduate and postgraduate stude...
Eva Taylor Lectures
Details of the Eva G.R. Taylor Lectures, 1960-2016 sponsored by the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), the Hakluyt Society (HS), the Society for Nautic...
Annual International Conference
Copies of programmes from past annual conference (2008-2022), and searchable spreadsheets of papers given and sessions organised at the conference (20...
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