# Data Analyses in Tang and Baer-Henney (2023)
- **Statistical Analysis:** Kevin Tang and Dinah Baer-Henney
- **Date:** 12/04/2023
## Libraries required for this analysis:
- psych
- Hmisc
- languageR
- lme4
- ggplot2
- sjPlot
- parallel
- dplyr
## Script files contained in this analysis:
- `StudyI_German.html` : Compiled report of the linear mixed effects model analysis. It can be regenerated using `StudyI_German.Rmd` and `data/german.RData`
- `StudyII_MandarinChinese.html` : Compiled report of the linear mixed effects model analysis. It can be regenerated using `StudyII_MandarinChinese.Rmd` and `data/mandarin_chinese.RData`
- `StudyI_German.Rmd` : Linear mixed effects model analysis for Study I
- `StudyII_MandarinChinese.Rmd` : Linear mixed effects model analysis for Study II
- `customised.functions.txt`: Bootstrapping function
## Data file
- `data/german.RData`: Data frames required by `StudyI_German.Rmd`
+ The variables are described in the `StudyI_German.Rmd` and in the Variables section of the paper.
- `data/mandarin_chinese.RData`: Data frames required by `StudyII_MandarinChinese.Rmd`
+ The variables are described in the `StudyII_MandarinChinese.Rmd` and in the Variables section of the paper.
## Image files
- `images`: Directory contains plots in the .pdf format reported in the paper.