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## Online Supplement ## All supplemental data mentioned within the publication *"Conserved Aging-related Signatures of Senescence and Inflammation in different Tissues and Species"* can be found here. For further information, please contact: (emanuel **dot** barth **at** uni-jena **dot** de). ---------- ## Overview ## - SData 1 contains the DESeq2 results for each age comparison of the four investigated species and their examined tissues, individually. Additionally, the file *degs_data.json* contains the Ensembl IDs of the identified differentially expressed genes as a dictionary-like json file. - SData 2 contains the Ensembl IDs of the initial list of inflammation- and senescence-associated genes. - SData 3 contains the final list of the 464 preselected inflammation- and senescence-associated genes, that are used for the main part of the study. - SData 4 contains for each species and their respective tissues the relative variance comparison plots. They are further divided into plots based only on the expression data of the 464 preselcted genes or all actively expressed genes. Additionally, the file *gene_expression_relative_variance_values.json* contains the underlying data as a dictionary-like json file. - SData 5 contains for each of the 464 preselected inflammation- and senescence-associated genes the exact biological function (GO Term). - SData 6 contains the summarized biological functions of the DEGs for each age comparison of the four investigated species and their examined tissues, individually. - SData 7 contains the heatmap (Figure 5 of the publication) in higher resolution. - SData 8 contains the gene ortholog list of all annotated protein-coding genes of the four investigated species. - SData 9 contains venn diagrams as well as the corresponding gene data of the overlapping DEGs. - SData 10 contains additional t-SNE and PCA plots, based on the expression of the 464 preselected inflammation- and senescence-associated genes. - SData 11 contains for every age comparison of all species and tissues the lists of identified DEGs together with their annotated general biological function and the proportions of biological functions within the respective age comparison.
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