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Green/Screen Study  /


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Category: Analysis

Description: Below are the R code files for data analysis. The files are numbered as follows: 1_Tidy.R -- Here we prepare the data. 2_Data check.R -- Here we perform the quality checks. 3_Descriptive analysis.R -- Here we create some tables to describe baseline and follow-up data. 4_Main analysis.Rmd -- Here we run cross-lagged and random-intercept cross-lagged models to examine bidirectional associations between digital media use and psychotic experiences. 5_Covariate_adjustment.Rmd -- Here we adjust for potential confounders using the preferred model from previous file, i.e., using time-varying random intercepts. 6_Subtype analysis.Rmd -- Here we examine types of digital media use (TV/streaming, social media, video games) separately.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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