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Description: Genomics research is advancing rapidly, and links between genes and obesity continue to be discovered and better defined. A growing number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in multiple genes have been shown to alter an individual's response to dietary macronutrient composition. Based on prior genetic studies evaluating the body's physiological responses to dietary carbohydrates or fats, the investigators identified multi-locus genotype patterns with SNPs from three genes (FABP2, PPARG, and ADRB2): a low carbohydrate-responsive genotype (LCG) and a low fat-responsive genotype (LFG). In a preliminary, retrospective study (using the A TO Z weight loss study data), the investigators observed a 3-fold difference in 12-month weight loss for initially overweight women who were determined to have been appropriately matched vs. mismatched to a low carbohydrate (Low Carb) or low fat (Low Fat) diet based on their multi-locus genotype pattern. The primary objective of this study is to confirm and expand on the preliminary results and determine if weight loss success can be increased if the dietary approach (Low Carb vs. Low Fat) is appropriately matched to an individual' s genetic predisposition (Low Carb Genotype vs. Low Fat Genotype) toward those diets.


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