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This repo is for data, code, and details for Hartshorne & Makovski, "The effect of working memory maintenance on long-term memory". Documentation is limited but may be improved upon request. **Code and data for the meta-analysis** can be found in the folder *meta_analysis*. That folder contains two folders: *analyses* and *data*. Inside *analyses*, you will find *metaregression.R*, which is reasonably well-documented. It reads in and analyzes *MetaRegression.csv*, which is in the *data* folder. Note that the *data* folder also contains *explanation_of_variables.csv*, which gives definition of the column names in *MetaRegression.csv*. However, the explanation of those variables in the paper itself is probably more useful. The file *MetaAnalysisDetails* provides some extremely detailed notes about how studies were coded for the meta-analysis, and should be useful for anyone who wants to get into the weeds or who wants to reproduce the meta-analysis coding itself. **Code for reproducing the analyses of experiments 1-11** is in *Analysis_Exps_1-11.R*. It reads in a file in ** called *rawdata*. That file is in R format. If you want to read in the raw CSVs, uncomment the initial lines of *Analysis_Exps_1-11.R* (this is documented in the code, so you should see the place). **Code for reproducing the analyses of experiments 12 & 13* is in *Analysis_Exps_12-13.R*. It reads in an R-format file in ** called *rawExp12_13*. To read in the raw CSV, uncomment the initial lines (again, this is documented in the code). We have included the actual experiment in **, at least when we still have it. (Many of these experiments were run two institutions and four or five computers ago.) What is provided is an Adobe Flash executable, which you may or may not be able to get to run on your computer (these are extremely obsolete). In many cases, I also have the original *.fla* file, which would allow you to see the actual code, if you have a Flash editor, and if they still exist (I haven't seen one in years). That said, the experiments are described in fairly excrutiating detail, so you shouldn't really need the original code in order to reproduce a fairly close approximation of the original. The names of the folders for the experiments is idiosyncratic but you should probably be able to figure out which ones go with which numbered experiment in the paper, particularly if you read the analysis code. (There are also some files in there corresponding to pilot versions. I could tell which is which ... if I could open the *.fla* files.) A number of the experiment folders have *readme* or *notes* files, which provide some additional documentation. For instance, the documentation for Exps. 12 & 13 provides some information about pilot versions of those experiments. However, for the most part, there isn't anything in those readme files that doesn't appear in the paper. If you run into issues, please send an email to me (Joshua Hartshorne), and I'll do my best to help you out.
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