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California Families Project (CFP)
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Category: Project
Description: The California Families Project (CFP) is a longitudinal study of 674 Mexican-origin youth and their families that began in 2006. The study is ongoing and 14 waves of data have been collected as of 2025. The study is directed by Richard W. Robins at the University of California, Davis. Please look to the "Wiki" for more information about the project, codebook, and recent publications with the data. Previous and ongoing projects that use CFP data (and are hosted on the OSF) are linked and listed under "Components" on the right.
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Unsupervised self-care predicts conduct problems: The moderating roles of hostile aggression and gender
Despite widespread speculation about the detrimental effect of unsupervised self-care on adolescent outcomes, little is known about which children are...
Risk & protective factors for early substance use initiation: A longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth
Substance use initiation in adolescence is a critical issue, given its association with substance dependency and associated problems in adulthood. How...
The co-development of relational aggression and disruptive behavior symptoms from late childhood through adolescence
Researchers have debated whether relational aggression is a developmentally-normative behavior or a sign of some underlying psychopathology. However, ...
The development of externalizing symptoms from late childhood through adolescence: A longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth
Youth who exhibit externalizing problems during childhood and adolescence are at an increased risk for a wide range of detrimental life outcomes. Desp...
Developmental precursors of relational aggression among Mexican-origin youth
Relational aggression —a psychological form of aggression— has numerous negative consequences for physical and emotional health. However, we know litt...
Bidirectional pathways between relational aggression and temperament from late childhood to adolescence
Relational aggression is linked to numerous adverse consequences. However, we know little about how temperament leads individuals to become perpetrato...
Reciprocal relations between internalizing symptoms and frequency of alcohol use: Findings from a longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth
Alcohol consumption and internalizing symptoms, which often co-occur, pose considerable risk to the developing adolescent and have lasting public heal...
The co-development of effortful control and school behavioral problems
Effortful control refers to the propensity to regulate one’s impulses and behaviors, to focus and shift attention easily, and to motivate the self tow...
The role of effortful control in the development of ADHD, ODD, and CD symptoms
Many adolescents have difficulty regulating their impulses and become prone to externalizing problems (e.g., ADHD, ODD, and CD) and other adverse cons...
Family Environment and Self-Esteem Development in Adolescence
In this project, we examine the reciprocal relation between family environment and self-esteem in adolescence (10-16 years), using 4-wave longitudinal...
The Co-Development of Chores and Effortful Control among Mexican-Origin Youth and Prospective Work Outcomes
The present research examined: (a) the co-development of chores and effortful control, and (b) the prospective impact of effortful control development...
The Role of Temperament in the Onset of Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors across Adolescence: Findings from a 10-year Longitudinal Study of Mexican-Origin Youth
Suicide among young people is an increasingly prevalent and devastating public health crisis around the world. To reduce the rate of suicide, it is im...
Are impulsivity and lack of consideration for others associated with the development of externalizing pathology in adolescence?
This project will explore the how impulsivity and (lack of) consideration for others relate to the developmental trajectory of externalizing pathology...
The Development of Shyness from Late Childhood to Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study of Mexican-origin Youth
Shyness, or the tendency to be inhibited and uncomfortable in novel social situations, is a consequential personality trait, especially during adolesc...
Testing Prospective Effects in Longitudinal Research: Comparing Seven Competing Cross-Lagged Models
The goal of this project is to evaluate different longitudinal panel models that estimate cross-lagged effects between constructs, by replicating the ...
The Development of Effortful Control from Late Childhood to Young Adulthood
The present study investigated the developmental precursors of effortful control, a temperament trait that involves the propensity to regulate one’s i...
Stability and change in the Big Five across adulthood: Findings from a longitudinal study of Mexican-origin individuals
A large body of research has documented how personality develops across adulthood, yet very little longitudinal work has examined whether these findin...
The development of educational aspirations and expectations from adolescence to young adulthood: A longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth
Mexican-origin youth are at increased risk for school dropout and low educational attainment. High educational aspirations and expectations provide a ...
Associations between Well-being Trajectories, Modifiable Dementia Risk Factors, and Cognitive Functioning: Findings from a 14-year Longitudinal Study of Mexican-origin Adults
| Registered: 2022-10-21 19:41 UTC
This is a secondary data analysis preregistration using data from the California Families Project parent sample to examine associations between life s...
Development of life satisfaction and optimism from early adulthood to old age: Findings from a longitudinal study of Mexican-origin adults
| Registered: 2022-10-21 17:54 UTC
This is a secondary data analysis preregistration using data from the California Families Project parent sample to examine average life satisfaction a...
Examining Longitudinal Trajectories of Time Spent Alone in Mexican-origin Youth: The Role of Social Relationships and Personality
This study aimed to understand how trajectories of TSA in adolescence are shaped by personality, quality of social relationships, and the transition t...
Associations between Emotion Regulation and Relationship Outcomes among Mexican-origin Youth
| Registered: 2022-10-27 16:41 UTC
CFP Data: ER and social outcomes
Investigating the Trajectory of Mexican-Origin Youth’s Materialistic Values
Investigating the Trajectory of Mexican-Origin Youth’s Materialistic Values across Adolescence and Its Impact on Life Satisfaction in Early Adulthood:...
Associations between Personality Trajectories, Dementia Risk Factors, and Midlife Cognitive Functioning
| Registered: 2023-08-14 17:49 UTC
The present study will use data from a 14-year longitudinal study of Mexican-origin adults to investigate associations among personality trajectories,...
Developmental trajectories of personality from facets to meta-traits across adolescence and young adulthood
| Registered: 2022-03-14 21:43 UTC
The time between adolescence and young adulthood is marked by major biological, social, and psychological change. During the transition to adulthood,...
Neighborhood influences on the development of adolescent temperament
| Registered: 2023-07-05 17:51 UTC
We will examine reciprocal associations between various neighborhood characteristics and the development of three temperament domains (Effortful Contr...
Personality Co-development in Families
| Registered: 2023-07-03 20:00 UTC
This project will investigate whether personality traits co-develop in families.
Consistency and Change in Narcissism Among Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
| Registered: 2023-03-16 18:16 UTC
We will examine both rank-order consistency and mean-level change in narcissism across adolescence and emerging adulthood, as well as patterns of chan...
Are the Big Five personality domains associated with growth mindset?
| Registered: 2023-03-08 21:21 UTC
This is a data analysis preregistration using data from the Berkeley Longitudinal Study to examine how UC Berkeley student's Big Five scale scores (as...
Examining Biobehavioral Responses to Social Exclusion in Mexican-Origin Youth
| Registered: 2022-09-13 19:01 UTC
The objective of this investigation is to understand how
social, environmental, and biological factors impact social-behavioral
responses to a social ...
Examining Longitudinal Trajectories of Time Spent Alone in Mexican-origin Youth: The Role of Social Relationships and Personality
| Registered: 2022-07-05 20:59 UTC
This study aimed to understand how trajectories of TSA in adolescence are shaped by personality, quality of social relationships, and the transition t...
Developmental associations between temperament and personality from childhood to young adulthood.
| Registered: 2022-03-14 21:47 UTC
Personality develops from an interplay of biological and environmental processes beginning in infancy. Throughout childhood to young adulthood, it is...
Stability and change in the Big Five across adulthood: Findings from a longitudinal study of Mexican-origin individuals
| Registered: 2019-10-09 23:23 UTC
Family Environment and Self-Esteem Development in Adolescence
| Registered: 2017-11-13 16:03 UTC
In this project, we examine the reciprocal relation between family environment and self-esteem in adolescence (10-16 years), using 4-wave longitudinal...
Teacher Attachment and Self-Esteem
| Registered: 2019-10-02 10:09 UTC
Family Environment and Self-Esteem Development in Adolescence
| Registered: 2018-12-18 09:40 UTC
In this project, we examine the reciprocal relation between family environment and self-esteem in adolescence (10-16 years), using 4-wave longitudinal...
Evaluating Cross-Lagged Panel Models
| Registered: 2017-12-03 10:47 UTC
The goal of this project is to evaluate different longitudinal panel models that estimate cross-lagged effects between constructs, by replicating the ...
Longitudinal Measurement Invariance of the Mexican American Cultural Values Scale: Cultural Value Adaptation Among Mexican American Adolescents
This study examined the measurement invariance of the Mexican American Cultural Values Scale (MACVS) across four time points among Latine adolescents ...
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