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Contains information about individual birds: where and when caught, when equipped with the monitoring equipment, type of the equipment, sex, morphometrics. ---------- We recommend **read**ing the **paper METHODS** before using the data. Questions can be directed to: Martin Bulla (****) ---------- WHEN USING THIS DATA, **PLEASE CITE**: Bulla et al (2016). Supporting infromation for 'Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds'. Open Science Framework. Retrieved: ADD DATETIME. ------ Values are separated by comma. Missing values are NA. ------ **Column definition** 1. year 2. study_site: four letter abbreviation of the study site 3. type: was the study site at the breeding ground (breeding) or not (wintering) 4. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's English common name 5. bird_ID: unique identity of the bird 6. tag: unique identity of the logger/tag a bird was carrying (if any) 7. method: inucbation monirotyr system used to monitor the bird (i.e., type of logger used on the bird): - passive transponder used for RFID based monitoring system = pit_tag - various light loggers described in the Extended Data Table 1 = ["bas","bas mk20a", "bas-mk10", "intigeo","intigeo-w65","intigeo-w65a9rk"] - radio tag used for continuous observation = radio_tag_obs - radio tag used with automated receiver - radio_tag_aut - GPS tracker from University of Amsterdam = uva; - no tag, but incubation recorded by continuous observations ["observations"] or video camer ["video"] 8. tag_mount: specifies how the logger was mounted on the bird - none = no logger used - tail = pit tag glued to the tail feathers - leg_flag = pit tag or logger mounted on the plastic flag, with which the bird was banded - leg_flag_horizontal = horizontal with the ground on the plastic flag, with which the bird was banded - leg_flag_vertical = perpedendicular with the ground on the plastic flag, with which the bird was banded - rump = radio tag glued to the rump; - harness = GPS tracker attached with a harness to the back of the bird 9. status: detailed information about the capture (NA - unavailable, n = first capture of the bird, y = recapture of the bird, n1 = first capture of the bird and logger attached, y1 = recapture of the bird and logger attached, 2 = data downloaded from the logger, 1 = logger attached, 0 = logger taken off the bird, inc = bird not caught and nesting determined through incubation recording) 10. datetime_caught: date and time when the bird was captured 11. nest: unique identity of the nest (within given year and breeding site), on which the bird was caught (if known, otherwise or if bird not-caught = NA) latitude of the capture/nest (decimal) 13. lon: longitude of the capture/nest (decimal) 14. sexing: method used to determin the sex of the bird ("genetic"; "genetic, partner based" = sex infered from the partner's sex, which was genetically determined; "plumage"=accoring to plumage color; = female, m = male); "bill" = based on bill length, "bill partner" = based on bill length of the partners,"morphometrics" = based on various morphological measurements; "behavior" = based on behavior of the birds, "copulation" = based on the position of the bird during copulation; "dfa" = discriminant function analyses; or any combination of these; NA = not sexed or unavailable) 15. total_head: length of the head from the tip of a bill to the back of a head in mm 16. culmen: length of the exposed bill in mm 17. wing: length of the wing in mm 18. tarsus: length of the tarsus in mm 19. mass: body-mass of the bird in grams 20. comments
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