Folder contents:
**Beta participant instructions**: [Link to Participant Instructions and FAQ][1]
**Camera assembly instructions:** [Link to Build Manual for BabyView Camera][2]
**Bill of Materials**: [Link to bill pricing for build materials][3]
**Camera CAD Design Files**: Contained detailed instructions 3D printing files to be sent to the contract manufacturer for helmet design.
**Illustrated Instructions**: Contained pdf / illustrator files that can be used as guides to help participants understand how to use and operate the BabyView camera.
*Process Documentation* : These slides recaps Daylight’s process on the Stanford BabyView project in order to document and preserve the learnings and rationale behind our design choices for the final product.
*Final Design Documentation*: These slides details Daylight’s Final design of the Stanford BabyView, with an eye towards future independent repeatability, as needed. Includes information on safety tests, material costs, and contract manufacturer.
**Data management pipeline:**
Please see accompanying codebase at: