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Category: Other

Description: This work package will focus on creating a strong foundation for behavioural research by enhancing data infrastructure, leveraging technology, and expanding the scope of studies to address a wider range of behaviours and issues.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Demo Project 3: Making ontologies INTERoperable: The DEMO-INTER Project.

DEMO-INTER will develop and evaluate a method for achieving interoperability between ontologies.

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Demo Project 3: DATA set annotation for use in modelling: The DEMO-DATA Project

The DEMO-DATA project will develop and apply a methodology for annotating datasets in behavioural and social sciences, using data sets used for modell...

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Demo Project 3: THEORY integration and comparison: The DEMO-THEORY project

DEMO-THEORY will map constructs in theories of behaviour change on to ontology classes for the purposes of theory searching, comparison and integratio...

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