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Data were acquired between March the 18th and March the 30th 2020. The personal information about participants (e-mail address, and town and province of questionnnaire's completion) were removed or anonymized. The dataframe is organized in 15 columns: - **Id:** Participant identifier - **It:** Item identifier - **Type:** Experimental Condition. Factor with 4 levels: NonCovid Verbal, Covid Verbal, Covid Meme and Covid Strip - **Age:** Participant's age - **Gender:** Participant Gender (Male or Female only) - **Education:** Participant Education (Five levels) - **CHS.TOT:** Participant CHS score - **LOTR.TOT:** Participant LOTR score - **PerRisk:** Participant judgment of risk of contagion - **KnownCovid:** Number of people known affected by Covid-19 - **CasePop:** Official ( cumulative number of Coronavirus cases per Province of compilation, the day in which the questionnaire was completed - **Codist:** Geodesic distance between the town of Codogno (epicenter of the pandemic) and the town where the questionnaire was completed - **Province:** Anonymized Province where completion took place - **Funniness:** Dependent variable [0-6] - **Aversiveness:** Dependent variable [0-6]
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