The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has invested heavily in
research computing, including funding the eXtreme Digital (XD) program,
to make computing infrastructure available to researchers, and
sponsoring the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI), to support
the integration of supercomputers with science gateways. XD Metrics on
Demand (XDMoD), an NSF-funded tool that collects and presents detailed
data about computing resources, was developed to manage just such varied
computational resources. XDMoD metrics incorporate accounting and
performance data for computational jobs, and include resources consumed
(computation, memory, disk, network, etc.), wait times, and quality of
service. In recent years, XDMoD has been enhanced to provide monitoring
for cloud computing and storage, and metrics such as power consumption
and GPU support. As the use of science gateways becomes more prominent
in research computing, the influence of these user-friendly portals
grows. New features under development now in XDMoD will serve the
gateways community. In this short paper, we outline our plans to
introduce new gateways monitoring functionality that integrates with
existing monitoring and metrics.