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Statistical learning and spelling: Evidence from Brazilian prephonological spellers
- Rebecca Treiman
- Brett Kessler
- Tatiana Cury Pollo
- Claudia Cardoso-Martins
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Category: Project
Description: These are data files and analysis scripts for a project in which we analyzed the spelling attempts of Brazilian children (age 3 years, 3 months to 6 years, 0 months) who were prephonological spellers, in that they wrote using letters that did not reflect the phonemes in the words they were asked to spell. We tested the hypothesis that children use their statistical-learning skills to learn about the appearance of writing and that older prephonological spellers, who have had on average more exposure to writing, produce more wordlike spellings than younger prephonological spellers. We found that older prephonological spellers produced longer spellings and were more likely to use letters and digrams in proportion to their frequency of occurrence in Portuguese. There were also some age-related differences in children’s tendency to use letters from their own names when writing other words.
This project is published as: Treiman, R., Cardoso-Martins, C., Pollo, T. C., & Kessler, B. (2019). Statistical learning and spelling: Evidence from Brazilian prephonological spellers. Cognition, 182, 1–7.
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